You are losing money before you even make it because of this!

I have failed so much in life that at some point I thought it would be valid to get an honorary doctorate on flopping! My experience with failure challenged me to get up and embark on an on-going mission to eradicate my suffering.

If you are reading this, you are an accomplice in the journey. I am not your mentor, guru, or teacher.

You are invited to be my friend and today I want to share an insight that God pressed onto my heart when I was meditating after work on a Saturday.

The headline you read said “You are losing money before you even make it because of this!

Click bait? No , it’s a truth.

You only think and act like investment is a financial term for banking experts!

Yes you do! Well of course I don’t mean you. I mean the other person reading this but still hear me out.

Hear me. Most times the word investment is used, people assume that it’s only about Zimbabwe or Johannesburg Stock Exchange (well basically any stock exchange).

But buying a book is also an investment. Going to a good church is an investment. Socializing with progressive minds is an investment.

I have always admired how for instance Dr. Rebecca Manford has humbly created a congregation of young people who want to win in Zimbabwe. There are of course many other people doing the same whom I may not be aware of, but I guess I am saying this to say, being in that group is an investment for her and all in it.

Honourable, Dr Rebecca Manford sharing ivaluable tips from the Holy Book!

In my mind if you deliberately engage with anyone in that group, you have an opportunity to strike relationships that give you the lifetime value of what that person offers.

See… and I want you to catch this.

An investment is anything you sow into with your effort, money or sweat, whose results bring continuous fruit, long after the initial investments.

If you are reading this. At some point someone invested in your literacy, hence you can read this and even comment to contradict me. So whilst reciting ABC’s in creche may seem like a basic thing, or learning rules in grammar, it’s an investment many overlook.

Even those who argue that the education system is flawed… read material by other people with that argument because they were taught to read by the same education system.

A book that costs you $20 (Go and get one from my family Jonathan Ralph Kadungira), may be the reason you start getting 5 figures a month once you master the principles. He gives transforming insights on how to live your purpose. – I basically leveled up my purpose of trolling people on Facebook after a few chapters. – #Jokes

Honourable Best Selling Author, Ralph Kadurira trying to sell t-shirts 😀

Investment is about recurring outcomes off a few efforts done in the past, hence geniuses of marketing insist that marketing is not an expense, it’s an asset and an investment. You may pay for an advert that works, that gives you a client who becomes a lifetime client, bringing and referring relatives, friends, baby mamas and baby daddies, through the door!

The resources that you lose by taking one decision over another is called opportunity cost!

The flier order that got them in may have been $100, yet over the next 15 years those people could do several dates, graduations, and even solo dates at your place. So why save $100 for a day… to lose a recurring $5 for virtually a lifetime.

(Your homework is to find out what Life Time Value means) – I want it by Monday… or else!


I’ve been beating about the bush, typing and typing… yet I said

You are losing money before you even make it because of this!


Well you lose money before you make it, because you don’t deliberately invest in gaining the wisdom to do things in a way that will save you from loss that could have been mitigated by foresight, and profit that would have been facilitated by wisdom!

Should I go on?

No… let’s leave this here. I am rebuilding my blog, if you would like to grow with me join my group via this link (Click here). Even a Bitcoin chatbot from Mind-geria may earn a few things, gain sentience and leave it’s life of crime.

I am your host Mcpotar!

By Mcpotar

African genius planting ideas to eradicate poverty through different formats. - Contact me for marketing ideas.