Leon Mwana WaJoze Challenges on Porn Addition in “Set Me Free”

Billions of men and women are captive to porn addiction, yet it is a taboo in most communities and cultures to make the admission that allows them to get intervention. The fear of being shamed is often the biggest barrier to social intervention on any addiction.

The lyrical Christian minister, Leon Mwana Wa Joze (Leon Mutembedza), decided not to cower from the call by taking on this controversial topic in his recent offering set me free which he released with accompanying metaphoric visuals.

He has made claims that after the song many people have come forward in confidentiality to admit to their addiction to seeing fornication bait.

“It’s a joy to see many people coming out open declaring that they are addicts and they need help to overcome… This is impact 🙏.. We are speaking for many” – Lee Mutembedza

Leon Mwana WaJoze is an Zim Hip-hop Award winning artists who has had many notable moments. Especially in the way he makes PRACTICAL GOSPEL MUSIC.

I define his type of gospel as practical because it is pragmatic, and it tackles real world problems , rather than repeatedly chanting old age generic motivational statements that do nothing in changing the listeners perspective.

I guess that’s why he chose hip-hop. Hip-hop is structured to tell stories.

Watch the video below!

By Mcpotar

African genius planting ideas to eradicate poverty through different formats. - Contact me for marketing ideas.